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Lavalink is a standalone audio player node that is used to stream music to Discord voice servers. It is written in Java and is based on lavaplayer and koe.

Lavalink is used to stream music to Discord voice servers. It is used by many Discord music bots, including FredBoat and many others.

See the Getting Started for instructions on how to install Lavalink.

See the Configuration page for instructions on how to configure Lavalink.

See the Clients page for a list of clients that can connect to Lavalink. Each client has its own instructions on how to connect to Lavalink.

See the Docker or Systemd configuration pages for instructions on how to run Lavalink in the background.

Updating Lavalink is as simple as downloading the latest Lavalink.jar from GitHub and replacing the old jar file with the new one. When using Docker, you can simply pull the latest image from GitHub Container Registry.

How do I report a bug?

Open an issue on the issue tracker.

How do I get help?

Join the Lavalink support Discord or open a GitHub discussion.

How do I get support for a client?

Open an issue on the client's GitHub repository or join the client's support Discord. The Lavalink support Discord also has a channel for each client where you can get support.

Last update: December 2, 2023